Research Management Experience

Dr. O’Mahony has led various small and large research initiatives over his career. This includes early involvment in European Union funded programmes like ACTS and Horizon 2020. These included the Value-X.400 and Value X.500 initiatives and the ACTS COBUCO project on future wireless communications. He has acted as project reviewer and project evaluator for the European Union.

In the period 2004-2009, he was founder director of the Centre for Telecommunications Value-Chain Research (CTVR). This centre created an unprecedented collaboration among teams from eight separate Irish third level institutions allowing them to work in an effective 100-man team effort to deliver top-quality research across a range of topics in telecommunications. The initiative acted as the catalyst for the establishment of Bell Labs Ireland -a jewel in the crown for Irish research in ICT. Among the many achievements of CTVR under O’Mahony’s leadership were the creation of multiple spin-out companies, the successful commercial licencing of research results and the publication of over 400 high-quality papers in international journals and conferences.  The center continues today as CONNECT. Over its lifetime, the CTVR and a number of supporting projects mobilized over €30 million